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Saturday, January 24, 2009


Ricky Balley founded Delegation in the United Kingdom in 1975, a three-man group who changed members frequently with Balley the only constant. Their first release "The Promise Of Love," in 1976, flopped despite receiving excellent reviews and airplay. A second release "Where Is The Love" found its way onto the charts and the group started crisscrossing Europe gigging constantly. They hit again with "You've Been Doing Me Wrong.," The years 1978 and 1979 showed promise, they hit with a remake of Ray Parker's "Honey I'm Rich," "Oh Honey," and released their first LP, The Promise of Love. They hit a dry spell in England, but in 1979 "Oh Honey" soared to #5 on the R&B chart in the States and they soared to fame.


  1. BlackSunCZ say: man, without club anthem remix of "where is the love" -they album "eau de vie" is as one big hit completely -dont you know ? try
